Thursday, April 14, 2011

Should controversial speakers (on whatever subject) be allowed on college campuses?

For the most part yes, however, I think it is appropriate for the school to decide whether or not the speaker will add something to the discussion. It does not necessarily need to be what those selecting the speaker agree with, it may present another side. I think it is important though, if we are going to ask faculty and students to take time out of their busy schedules, that the speaker have something to add to thought and discussion. I think if the speaker is to be paid that it may be relevant to consider additional elements such as moral or social implications. For example, it may be interesting to hear the head of the KKK speak even though he is highly controversial but I think it would be fair for students to demand that their college money not be used to bring him to campus. They would have a right to demand that their money not go even indirectly to support this organization.

What place should "creationism" have in the public education system?

I believe creationism should have whatever scientific place it deserves in the education system. In other words it should not be taught in schools other than in a historical context. We should want students exposed to the most current scientific knowledge we have available. Those that want creationism taught in public schools want it taught, if they are honest, because of their religious beliefs. We have a separation of church and state. Religion should not be a test for scientific thought, theory, or knowledge. I consider myself religious but I believe that much of the bible is full of beautiful imagery, parables, and ways to present ideas through symbolism. This does not mean that everything in the bible is meant to be taken literally. On top of that, we live in an ever increasingly diverse society and don’t necessarily share each other’s religious beliefs. Therefore, school should be a place where facts rule and ideas must stand up to scrutiny.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted?

In many ways this is a free speech issue. I think as a society we should always error on the side of allowing too much speech before we limit speech. That said I think it is ok to allow some rules for over the air television broadcasting during daytime hours since it is freely available and such a part of our society. I think cable or satelite television should be free of these restrictions because they are a product purchased by a consumer with the choice as to whether or not to purchase them. I think movies fall into this category as well. With rating systems and parental controls there are additional tools to help parents choose what their children can watch.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should public servants (like school teachers, hospital workers, trash collectors) have the right to strike?

I believe they should. Workers should have the right to negotiate for salaries, benefits, and working conditions. If they choose to do so as a group for better leverage, that should be their right. A strike is sometimes necessary to force solutions and agreements. A single person does not stand much of a chance when standing up to a large corporation or government. There are power in numbers and it evens the playing field. Of course, there may need to be some limitations or modifications for life critical functions such as in a hospital but in general the right to strike should be protected. This is especially timely right now with the events with public workers and the governor of Wisconsin. Often times labor becomes a political issue but it shouldn't be. People just want to be treated fairly.

Have the large salaries of professional athletes had a negative impact on the athletes or the sports?

The short answer is that it depends on the person. Some people are able to handle the wealth and some people change and give in to its’ temptations. In athletics there are plenty of stories of athletes who have behaved badly once they become rich and forget what is really important in life. Tiger Woods even gave in to the temptations and lived the fast pace party life even cheating on his wife (and family). The sports themselves can be affected too. Sadly, sometimes it can attract more attention as people live through the excitement and day to day news of the latest scandal. “To whom much is given, much is expected” and there are plenty of stories of athletes helping their community and many different causes as well.